
Giget to be Released Full Screen Only?

It is getting harder and harder to know for sure whether a DVD will be presented in it’s original aspect ratio before it’s release day. This is the case with Gidget, which will be released by Columbia Tri-Star on August 3. The theatrical feature, as well as the two televsion sequels will be released as a collection on a two-disc set. Although the press release and the back cover art state, that the collection will be released in full screen only, Columbia Tri-Star’s own web site states that Gidget has been remastered in high defintion. This suggests that the theatrical film may be released in widescreen, and that the television sequels will be released in full screen. Hopefully this will be the case. When an early review of the DVD is posted online, we’ll let you know.

Posted by: Joshua Clinard @ 10:50 am

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